Born 1985, Dhiraj Hadole has graduated from Sir JJ School of Art, Mumbai. Dhiraj’s artworks are representations of geometric dimensions that govern the mold of the earthy life. Not a single object is devoid of geometrical design. These working patterns emulate as well as inspire his research in unfolding a variety of matrices.
The viewer does not see demarcated territories, geometric and patient divisions, the consistent yet a failing patterned grid, or maybe an unnerving puzzle at play, instead, one is beguiled by the colors, transforming from one destined frame to another. They are warm, succulent, and fervorous yet underneath they are established and stable. There is a convenient relevance in the application by Dhiraj. Although the nebulous fervor is tampered with and fixated on specified and defined spaces, they are constantly changing, depending on the utility, reality, and objectivity. Dhiraj’s artworks are defined by this constructive process, which renders installational feeling—a block by block the dimensional quality reveals itself.
But how do these dimensions operate, and what is the cause and effect of the same? Dhiraj believes in the law of creation, and through the theory of fusion, he states that two units come together to initiate creation's process—male and female—tangible and intangible—man and nature. A critical element that Dhiraj infuses in his artworks to supplement the manifest and abstract theory is a thread. Indian culture signifies a thread or a spool with many relational dimensions through traditional rituals like Vat Poornima, Rakshabandhan, Gat Bandhan, among many others. Hence, to manifest the abstract bond that ties all the living beings, a thread is an embodying factor of latent strength and support.
Previously, to portray the same philosophy, Dhiraj imitated the essence of a quilt, which exhibits a beautiful assemblage of colorful rags through a thread in his paintings. Practiced largely by women in a community, they would collect all the used clothes and compose them according to sizes to form a functional godhadhi or quilt. Significantly, he related the quilt with a fond remembrance of his grandmother. Moreover, the godhadi also represents a close-knit familial environment, which apparently is on the verge of losing its worth today. Nevertheless, the geometric pattern had inevitably made an impression on him, which today reflects upon his works.
Dhiraj shares, “My pictures are an attempt to highlight these ongoing changing dimensional narratives. They embody saguna of creation and continue to inspire me to reinvent them, creating and recreating newer visual dimensions".